The number of credits I am taking this Fall quarter because I'm the motha fuckin boss.

In all seriousness, I know having classes only 2 days a week is really efficient, but back to back class from 9:30am-5:10pm is killer! Today was only the first day, and I expect my stamina to build up, but I'm exhausted. I've been doing copious amounts of writing for my internship and I can foresee this is my academia. I learned some really enlightening things today, not even related to my courses, but by the time I come home my critical analysis is completely drained. I've been more than ready to detox, therefore I'm taking a late-riding-the-coattails-of-the-end-of-summer vacation this weekend to San Francisco. It's one of my favorite cities in the world.

Losties Sidenote: This day in 2004, "Oceanic Flight 815. Never Forget."