About the Author

Wanita Wong was born on July 21, 1990 and has spent her adolescence growing up in the Pacific Northwest. When she escapes the clutches of Bellingham and higher education, she chills out in her hometown of Renton, Washington. Much of her high school career was devoted to the state championship drill team and being photo editor of the yearbook. It was during these 4 years of school that she developed a niche for the visual arts and journalism, landing a major in design and a possible minor in journalism. Her dream job with this degree is to escape the rainy Northwest and pursue a dream job of working for a highly noted publication or CollegeHumor.com*, if the flailing economy entails. She loves all things comedy – from movies to television to stand up and sketch. The love for the comedic arts is where her fluency in sarcasm ripened. Wanita is a very slow, but articulate, writer and has probably spent more hours putting together this portfolio than sleeping. She also feels egotistic by referring to herself in third person.

I had written this nearly a year ago for my English portfolio, and since then, my future endeavors has did a complete 180. For once in my life, I really have no idea what I want to do. Normally, this is standard for any college student but I kind of had this dream in me for a really long time, and now I'm kind of afraid knowing that every little decision I make impacts my life largely. Right now, I'm convinced I should just get an English degree with an emphasis on popular culture/post-modernism and media studies...Ironically, I absolutely despise the writing process.
