Salad Days

"great nights

only last for a night.
because then you wake up and see yourself face to face with reality.

fortunately, there are great people to spend these great nights with.
and these great people leave you with great memories to look upon
when reality comes after you." -

I think karaoke is the best method of an ice breaker for me. It doesn't matter if I'm having a tea party with Kim Jong-il, Benjamin Linus, and Kate Gosselin... a karaoke machine will cure itself of any awkward situation. Jayna, Mafil, and I karaoked until 5AM, cumulating a total of 6 hours, last night while Suzanne was idly watching/being entertained by us. (Creed was definitely the breaking point of my vocals) Throw in a couple of impromptu music videos to MGMT's "Electric Feel" donned in hippie-tripping-on-acid attire and Ben Fold's "You Don't Know Me" to create the best night of my summer thus far. Though, these videos were instantly regrettable the next day. And to think, only one of us was inebriated. I can only be immature and carefree for so long.